Malachi 2:15a
We need Gods Mercies over us and our household, we must continually request in our petitions
We must show mercy to others in our life’s dealings (James 2:13)
Our Charity and love for God and fellowmen must not wane (1 Peter4:8)
God does not overlook our labor of love. (1 Cor 15:58, Hebrew 6:10)
God keeps His covenant of our service. (Exodus 23:25-26)
Praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
There is power in a praying mother, the example of Hannah (1 Samuel. 2:1-10)
Living by example, (2 Timothy 1:5) spoke of the unfeigned faith, transferred to Timothy, through the Grandma to the Mother and unto himself.
We must never give up on our children and teaching them the way of The Lord. (Proverb 22:6)
Confessions of our secret sins to God and forsaking them.
Prayers before conception very essential(Like Hannah 1 Samuel 1:11)
Beloved, if by mercy you feared The Lord and you had children following your footsteps, it’s a Great Grace, then you must not depart from God, as a way to encourage your children, then, always pray for them in the Pilgrimage journey of life, to press on towards the mark of the calling.
Peradventure, we had wayward children, we must not keep quiet about it, many needs counseling and tutelage, including prayers for a change of heart. (Psalm 80:17-19, Proverb 21:1)
We must not give up for God is able to make every Grace abound towards us.
Isaiah 54:13 And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
May The Good Lord bless all our Children and use them for His Glory.
(The Recreated Vessels)