2Peter 2
“God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34B) Sin is a wrong against God and man, therefore it seperates us from Him. WE need to be reconciled back unto Him in total repentance ( 2 Corinthians 5:20)
A change from our old self (character). The only way the result of our character balance sheet that is negative can be corrected is when we are ready to confess and forsake, that the result of sin can be made of no effect through our justification (I Jn 3:5-9).
We have defined character as the distinguishing characteristics between persons. The summation of what determines who you are; -the final product of the mind and actions.
“The Lord searches the mind”. The Lord is looking for a man after His own heart. (I Samuel 13:14).
Therefore the functionality of a man’s soul i.e. The mind and the heart is what is essentially referred to, as conscience.
The moral sense of right or wrong, but those who do not live in canality will help the conscience, by yielding the fruits of The Spirit. (Galatians 5:22)
Being transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2) In order to be led by the small still voice of The Holy Spirit, that one may know how to refuse the evil and choose the good. (Isaiah 7:15B).
- Bad reaction to all things.
A man that gives equal reaction to every wrong. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
A man that uses evil to pay good; always conceiving evil regardless of good done to him.
When a man does not know how to react to issues, but keep regretting his actions.
These character modules are generated by the conscience that are not regulated by The Holy Spirit.
Some of which are;(a) A weak conscience; which is easily driven by actions, attitudes, behavior or emotions of people
(b) The offensive conscience
Habours, record and entertain offence, thus it triggers tempers and reactions towards men.
.(c) The defiled Conscience – They are corrupted for lack of knowledge of The Truth.
(d) Evil conscience- An instrument of Satan- which carries out Satanic activities under any disguise.
(e) The dead conscience
Where a man cannot differentiate between good or bad. This is a demonized conscience. Beloved, “know ye not that, ye are the temple of God and that The Spirit of God, dwelleth in you. If any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is Holy, which temple ye are”
(I Corinthians 2:16-17).
Let us form the habit of strong Characters such as: Punctuality, Decisiveness, Vigorous actions, for our thoughts which propels-
-(1).Pure Conscience- A man always blameless.
(2.) Good conscience- Obeys the laws of love with a pure heart and faith without preference. Get understanding.
(The Recreated Vessels).