1Corinthians 2:14-16

Ephesians 4:13 says “Till we all come in the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of The Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of Christ”.
As a matter of fact, we build our character all our lives. We put into it all the means, actions, petty vices, noble aspirations and courageous deeds.
We build our characters by what we say or do on daily basis, every folly and noble thoughts, the manner in which we tackle the simple tasks of life, the spirit in which we meet the setbacks and disappointments, all go into the making of our character.
Therefore, we should guard well our thoughts, take pains with the smallest duties, “endure hardness as soldiers of Christ “(II Tim 2:3).
The scriptures had very great examples of different characters- both good and bad; and what the outcome was, for each one, this serves as a great lesson for us. let us examine these few.
Esau – was Indisciplined, disobedient to Parent foolish and greedy. Reuben – was Immoral, Lacks self control in the matters of women.
King Saul- was Impatient and covetous.
The Sons of Eli- were Immoral and indisciplined.
The Sons of Aaron(- Nadab and Abihu) were Abusers of Office. Samson – he turned aside of his mission in error.
Joseph- was a man of honesty and integrity.
The 3 Hebrew boys- were very faithful to their God.
Daniel- was a disciplined gentleman, and prayerful.
Abel- was a selfless man and, obedient.
Mary-was Chaste, disciplined, calm and highly favoured. Timothy- was a young faithful and obedient leader.
Beloved, get rid of that notion that character is the product of heredity, environment or luck, these factors play but a minor part in the making of our character and the effect of whatever surrounds our make up can be overcome.
Fate may hand out the tools, but we are not judged by the tools we use, but the quality of work done.
Our character is the reflection over the years of our thoughts and habits. It is the balance sheet of our lives to date, but if the liabilities exceeds the assets we have no one to blame but ourselves. For the repercussions will come Galatians 6:7.
I Cor 11:31 says “for if we should judge ourselves, we should not be judged”.
A Yoruba proverb says when those who are guilty in a matter, refuses to know or acknowledge their guilts, they trigger war or anarchy in the community. Get wisdom
.(The Recreated Vessels).

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