2 KINGS 13:14-21
Beloved, it is a statement of fact that every man, irrespective of position or anointing, will die one day. Until God sanctifies you wholly in spirit, body, and soul, you are not preserved blameless before Him (I Thessalonians 5:23).
God made man tripartite like Himself for a reason. Your body is made from dust (Genesis 2:7), your soul—the breath of God gave it life (Job 33:4), and your spirit—deposited by God as His candle, checks all your thinking and reports back to God, your Maker (Proverbs 20:27).
On the day of death, Ecclesiastes 12:7 says, “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”
Have you thought of where you will end up—eternity or hell? Do you have a good report?
Some return early, and some may stay a very long time. The decision is God’s, who cannot be questioned.
John the Baptist and even our Lord Jesus returned in their early thirties. Methuselah died at 969, yet there is no record of any good thing about him. We have every good record of John the Baptist.
Genesis 5:24 says, “And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”
Saul lived to become a king but died a madman. Moses was faithful, and God bears a record of him in Numbers 12:6-8; he strolled to heaven and was buried by God.
Elijah was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire (II Kings 2:11).
The Bible text in II Kings 13:14-21 tells us how Elisha still ministers on his sick bed, and at death, his dead bones raised a dead body to life. Peter knew when it was time to go home (II Peter 2:13-14).
Apostle Paul was happy to leave (II Timothy 4:6-8) and in great expectation.
Brethren, if your performance is satisfactory, you will not be afraid of death. Imagine God telling you to prepare for home now—the way you feel in your heart will determine how ready you are. Do you know that as many are afraid, so are many anxious for the day of rest?
As saints, translation from the physical to the spiritual (II Thessalonians 4:13-14) awaits. Be it known to you that the world will not stop at your departure; everything must go on. Do not think your end will stop the ministry in your hand, man of God. If it’s a God-given assignment, He will raise better men than you to perform a multiple of your achievements.
Elijah was very passionate for God. When you die, all the things you acquired fraudulently will be left here. You cannot bribe God; He cares not for your possessions but for you.
Keep the fire burning till your last breath. Forget all distractions and keep burning for Christ.
II Chronicles 15:7 says, “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak, for your labor shall be rewarded.”
(The Recreated Vessels)